Budweiser Budvar Brewery has put into trial operation a beer racking appliance for 5 litre kegs (so-called party-kegs). A party-keg is a practical type of packaging intended particularly for smaller family celebrations. Its main advantage is that it needs no tap for drawing beer, as an integrated valve.
The German company ESAU & HUEBER supplied the appliance, which can fill as many as 300 kegs an hour (15 hectolitres of beer). “Filling the party-kegs directly in the brewery is going to enable faster response time to customer demand as well as racking smaller special-deal batches of party-kegs, decreasing the ecological burden on the production at the same time, since the transport of beer to the racking place in Germany and the subsequent transport of filled kegs back to the brewery will not take place,” says Budweiser Budvar’s technical and energetic manager Dalibor Čáp.
Budweiser Budvar has been supplying beer in this type of packaging on the market for more than 10 years. In 2010, 2,800 hectolitres of Budweiser Budvar Premium Lager in this type of packaging were supplied on the market, 75% out of which were exported. The highest demand for party –kegs is in Germany.